I would start whispering in the ears of the older generation that they have done more than their share of working within the church and need to just sit back and let the younger generation take care of nurseries, teaching, visiting the lost, going to the nursing homes and other ways of working for God. I would overwhelm the younger generation who is struggling with small children, full-time jobs and a home, until they are too busy and too tired to bring their kids to church, because on top of that, they have to teach and work in the nursery too, rather than just have that time to rest and recharge.
I would start whispering in the ears of the faithful workers that no one appreciates their hard work and that they aren't making a difference anymore, so why should they waste their time, energy and money supporting the causes of God's work. I would cause discontent so that they decide they have done enough because they aren't appreciated. I would make it seem easier to throw $20 in a plate than spend two hours of time working in the community.
I would start encouraging the gossips to spread lies and half-truths about the ones in the church that are struggling with sin, with broken lives and yet are still coming to church so that God can help them. I would get the gossip to the point that these people give up and quit coming to church, to sink back into their lives of sin so that they can live peaceably outside of the eyes of the church pew gossips, even if it dooms their souls for eternity.
I would attack any and all youth programs. My biggest desire would be to get the youth out of the church, preferably before they got saved, but even still, if I could get them out of church before they take leadership roles its just as good. An out of church Christian is nearly as good as an unsaved person, in the eyes of the devil.
If I was the devil, I would encourage pride. I would focus on the money and the clothes and the cars of the people going to the local church. I would make people believe that God cares about those things and that if they "pray" the right way then they will have money falling from the sky to fill their every want. I will whisper in their ears that it's okay to go to the casino and buy lottery tickets. I will whisper that it's fine to live above their means, using credit cards, and rack up large debts, just to appear to be what they are not. I will make them forget that Jesus was humble and poor. The widow's mite would mean nothing, and again we would have the Pharisee in the streets bragging about the size of their donation.
I would discourage prayer, and Bible reading, but would encourage the social aspects of church memberships; the trips, the activities, but let things like going to nursing homes to sing and visiting the elderly drop out. I would discourage those who want to do things to bring people to Christ, but would encourage spending money to do things for entertainment purposes only.
If I was the devil I would attack the youth. I would turn the church into a fashion show, where they are more concerned with how they look to each other than how they look to God. I would encourage them to bring their phones into service and surf social media instead of listening. I would make it look like nothing is more important than romance and it's not necessary to remain holy and pure.
I would start competitions and arguments between local churches so that they no longer are supportive of what the other does. I will discourage people from attending the revivals and events that the other churches are hosting. I will make them forget that if they escape me and are going to the same heaven, they will be together anyway. Because that is the last thing I want them to think of. I want them to think that going to a ballgame is more fun than going to church. I want them to think that going to the bar on Saturday night is more fun than going to church. I want them fighting among themselves and gossiping and tearing each other down. I want people to get mad at the people in the church so they quit attending, quit praying, quit worshiping, and then I can slowly turn them back to following me.
If I were the devil I would make sure that the best show on tv are shown during church time, or directly afterwards so that the people who do go to church will leave as soon as possible rather than stay and fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters. And I will make shows that intrigue people, even if they go against everything that God teaches us.
If I were the devil, I would hate the word revival. So when a church has one, I would do everything I could to keep people from going, from inviting others to go. I would bring sin in to the churches on the hem of everyone's clothes, and keep them so busy with political correctness, with fashion, with money, with arguing, with gossiping and with socialization that they forget that they are at church to pray, to worship and to grow in their relationship with the One they came there to be with. And the best thing is, I am doing it every day, and the people don't even see it. My job is getting easier and easier. I am in more churches than ever imagined. I have closed churches, burned churches, and ripped churches apart. I have torn apart families and led people to suicide rather than salvation. I have helped create a generation that hates God, hates church and hates Christians. I am winning. The Bible says that in the end I will lose, but oh, how many people I am going to have with me in hell. And in the end, that is what matters most to me.......
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