The other day our pastor preached on the parable of the talents. Where the master is going out of town and calls three of his servants and gives them each a different number of talents. The first takes what he was given and doubles it. Likewise the second, while he was given fewer talents, also doubles his. The third one though, takes the one talent he was given and buries it, rather than working with it to make any increase. I think this is how we can be at times.
God gives each and every one of us talents. Some he has given multiple abilities to. They can be super smart, great athletes and can sing beautifully. Some may not be able to do these things, but they have a wonderful way with children, or the ability to make money. But we are each given something we can do, to bring glory to God, to bring people to God and to otherwise help increase and further the kingdom of God. But what do we do with these talents? I know for many years I did absolutely nothing. I have always loved to write, and I was fairly good at it, but did nothing with it. Part of it was because of the life I had, and the fact that any and all creativity was not encouraged. But part of it, was pure laziness on my side.
Lately though, God has impressed it on me more and more to use my writing talent to bring Glory to His name. And this is exactly what I am striving to do. At first I thought that writing a blog would be a good way. I could write about what God was doing in my life, but the God started expanding it, and opened a door to freelance writing in magazines. While not every article I write can be about God, I am able to incorporate it in as I can, and can choose many stories where the subjects talk about God in their own lives and can bring His name out in that way. But then He progresses, and I am now writing a Christmas play. And still more He works. I write, whatever He puts in my mind, not always knowing what He has planned for me to do, but knowing that He has a plan in mind, and that I will surely succeed at what I do, if I am doing it in His will.
What is the talent He has given you? You cannot say there is nothing, because if you are a child of God, He has given you something, and even if you are NOT yet His child, He still has given you an ability that He will develop more at the time comes for you to use it for His glory. Can you bake amazing desserts that you can use to bless someone who is going through a hard time? Can you draw, paint or craft something to bring a smile to someone in need? Can you play sports, openly praying before and after competitions as a way to glorify the One who gave you the ability? Can you teach, or support the work of others' callings? Can you hold the hand of someone who is sick, or dying, and pray with them? What are you doing with these talents you have been entrusted? Are you using them, growing them, sharing them with those around you? Or are you being like the servant who buries them in the sand, not willing to do anything to help the master increase his holdings. If we do not use the abilities God has given us, He can take those abilities from us. If we use them for our own gain and not for His, He can remove them from us then as well. Trust in God to show you the talent He has given you, pray that you have the strength to battle Satan and stand tall for God. Because if you read the story, those who used the talents to increase, heard the words "well done my good and faithful servant." Those are the words I long to hear from my Master, when my time on earth is done.
So when God calls me to write, I write. I may not understand what, or why but its not important. I am developing the talent He has given me, and as I do, I know I am doing my best to increase His holdings and try to bring people closer to Him through my words. What are YOU doing with YOUR talent?